Cultural Institution of the City of Kielce


, godz. 09.00

The holidays are the perfect time to try something new, discover new passions or develop interests that you didn’t have time for before. For a week, workshop participants led by Monika Urlik, a composer and lyricist, will be introduced to the world of music and singing. We will learn proper voice emission and correct breathing in singing. There will be diction exercises and tongue twisters that will improve our speech system and thus make singing easier. We will also prepare a piece together, but first we will deal with its precise interpretation. There will also be free conversations during which you will learn how to deal with stage fright and how to prepare for a stage performance to feel more confident on stage. The entire workshop will be supervised by instructor Magdalena Surma.

class hours; 9.00 -14.00

Participant’s age: from 9 years

Number of people: 16

Payment: PLN 350 (for the entire class)

Registration and information: Dom Kultury Zameczek, Kielce, ul. Słowackiego 23, tel. 41 367 63 01
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